Craig Morgan/Bob Tiede Vodcast

Craig Morgan/Bob Tiede Vodcast

Dear friends and family

It is a privilege to introduce you to my friend, Bob Tiede. Bob and I have known each other for many years and are good friends.

Years ago, God crossed our paths by design at an event in Orlando with Bobb Biehl. We were actually starting our nonprofit, Blended Together Forever at that time.

Bob was with us from the very beginning when we were trying to even figure out a name for our ministry! Bob has been with Campus Crusade for Christ, now CRU for years in a leadership role. He has an incredible blog, “leading with questions” and he is a sought out speaker, and has written several books. To find more out about Bob, go to 

We got a chance to share on this vodcast about marriage, kids, blended families, and the need for this type of ministry in the local church.

Be encouraged and blessed and pass it on! 

Making the family WHOLE again,
