Event Details

  • Hearts of Beauty (*Women) - OCTOBER 16-19, 2025
  • Date : October 16,2025
  • Time : 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
  • Location : Carolina Creek 84 Wimberly Lane Hunstville TX 77320
  • Subject : Hearts of Beauty


What is Hearts of Beauty?

As a woman, you are an image-bearer of the intimate, passionate, and captivating God.  Yet, in the story of your life, you may feel more like a damsel in distress, an ugly duckling, or the forgotten maiden in the cellar.  The longings of your heart may have long been unmet or neglected.

The deep truth of Hearts of Beauty is this:

Your heart matters more than anything else in all creation.

The Hearts of Beauty experience is an opportunity to experience beauty and explore your stunning feminine heart. Come and journey with us to discover the heart of God and the depth of your beauty through a unique mixture of stories from life changing experiences, scripture, movie clips, and personal reflection times.

This experience is designed with one primary objective: to restore the hearts of women through a real encounter with truth.