Physical Touch in a Virtual World

Physical Touch in a Virtual World

Dear friends and family,

Recently, I was driving down the street and heard an interesting story on the radio. Two people were discussing “physical touch” in a virtual world. What impacted me was the thought that physical touch is one of the five love languages, and a story that a friend shared with me.

“Craig, I have a theory of the five love languages. If you withhold one of these five in its entirety, it’s like cutting off an arm, or a leg.” She continued, “we all have a need for all five.” If you, or someone you know, has physical touch as a primary or secondary love language, this is a most difficult time. Let me quickly offer three suggestions to help as we go forward in this current climate.
Practical things to help boost the well-being of ourselves and others as we adapt.

Reach out and emotionally connect. However you can. Listen to them. Let them be able to vent to you. While in-person human connection is best, if that can’t happen, do Face Time or a video-chat.

Be generous. We are blessed to be a blessing to others. Run an errand. Write a note. Check in periodically with those who may be more vulnerable to see what they might need. Help others around you including your neighbors or those experiencing homelessness. It gives them voice and purpose.

Finally, remember to breathe! With all the stress and anxiety, many people feel overwhelmed and disconnected. Let your friends and family know you are in this chaos with them. A few conscious, gentle breaths can restore connection. And above all, remember the Lord is with them too. Psalms 46:10 says, Be still and know that I am God.

As always, we pray this over you and your family: May the Lord bless you and protect you. May the Lord smile upon you and be gracious unto you. May the Lord show you his favor and give you his peace. – Numbers 6:24-26

Connect with us on social media, and forward today’s email to a friend. We would love to have your feedback!

Making the family WHOLE again,

Craig & Gina

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