Upcoming Events @Hope Fellowship & First Baptist Wylie

Upcoming Events @Hope Fellowship & First Baptist Wylie

From Brokenness to Beauty

“He takes all our brokenness and turns it into beauty.“ – Kari Jobe, The Garden (Live)


Happy New Year!

And congratulations, you survived the holidays!!

Holidays are always bittersweet the longer you have lived.

It’s because you have experienced more of life.

More ups…

More downs…

Can God use all of these experiences to move us from brokenness to beauty?

Can He really do that?

And can you do that this year?

On Wednesday we received this message from Wendy who lives in the Springfield, MO area.

Message: Wr have a blended family and need desperately help and advice. Please contact me . Very interested in conference dates.


One tip for you and your family this year is to create something “new“.

A new year brings new beginnings… new resolutions.

And the hope for a better future.

You can still honor the past, but blended families need to create new things.

New items that are “about us.“

What a better time of the year to create something NEW that is all ABOUT US.


Make time to join us at an event this year.

We start the new year with two great events.

And remember Wendy’s message — help us expand our reach
JANUARY 16 – this Tuesday night series is for 8-weeks at Hope Fellowship in Frisco, Texas. Admission is free, materials will be provided.

Tuesday | January 16, 2018 to Tuesday | March 6, 2018
6:30 pm
9950 Rolater Road, Frisco, TX 75035



We are confirmed to do an eight week series at Hope Fellowship for Blended Families.  It will be held on Tuesday nights at 7:00 pm from January 16th – March 6th.

JANUARY 21 – this special Sunday morning and luncheon is hosted by First Baptist Church, Wylie. Lead pastor Kris Segrist and our friend Derek Draper have created a special event for this Sunday!

Is there something you want to build or rebuild this year?

Join us and trust God and His promises.

He will move us from brokenness to beauty.

Happy New Year,


Craig and Gina Morgan

January 12, 2018