We’re thrilled to introduce you to Rachel Dunne, also known as The Spiritual Stepmom on Instagram. If y...
Jeff and Anna Vail -Their success as a blended family
It is a privilege to introduce you to my friends, Jeff & Anna Vail. ...
Craig Morgan/Bob Tiede Vodcast
Dear friends and family It is a privilege to introduce you to my friend, Bob Tiede. Bob and I have known each other for many years and are good friends. Years ago, God crossed our paths by design at an event in Orlando with Bob...
The mindful marriage podcast with Craig and Gina Morgan
Dear Friends & Family, ...
Craig Morgan/Dr. Alok Trivedi podcast
Dear friends and family Craig had an opportunity recently to sit do...
Second Marriage Success
Craig and Gina shared insights to the highs and lows of their marriage as well their insights to making your second marriage a priority and increase the...
The Most POWERFUL Testimony…
Dear friends and family, THIS VIDEO IS BOLD. Ariel Delgado from Family-iD has one of the most powerful testimonials I’ve ever heard. When he first t...
New podcast with Gil & Brenda!
Dear friends and family, We pray everyone is staying safe and healthy! A couple of weeks ago, Gina and I linked up with Gil & Brenda Stuart, good friends and excellent people specializing in blended family situations, to be a guest s...
Lessons From the School of Hard-Knocks with Ron Deal
FAMILYLIFE BLENDED® PODCAST with Craig and Gina Morgan | January 18, 2021 The journey into...
Physical Touch in a Virtual World
Dear friends and family, Recently, I was driving down the street and heard an interesting story on the radio. Two people were discussing “physical touch” in a virtual world. What impacted me was the thought that physical touc...
Podcast #12 -Grady Davidson Podcast
Each year I take a week to get away to Chattanooga Tennessee. I use this time alone for prayer and studying my bible, as well as an opportunity to...
Merry Christmas and Thank You
Craig and Gina would like to take a few minutes and thank you for your support and encouragement this year. We have seen so much growth in the ministry in 2019, that can only be attributed to our community of blen...
We wish you a Happy Thanksgiving
We want to take a few minutes to wish you and your blended family Happy Thanksgiving. Holidays can be very tough in blended families as you navigate homes, traditions and expectations. In this podcast Gina offers some simple advise to ...
Identify a Family Verse
As the holiday season approaches and you will be spending more time with various members of your family, we want to encourage you to use this time to identify and share a Family Verse. This is such an important part of grounding your blended famil...
Interview with Friends James and Monica Shaw.
We want to introduce you to James and Monica Shaw, who are a blended family that we have come to love. Before getting married, they dated for several ye...
Interview with Blended Family, Jeff and Ashley Price
We want to introduce you to Jeff and Ashley Price who are a young blended family. Ashley was a single mom with one daughter, and Jeff had three daught...
Conversation with Rick Lamb
This week Craig joins a conversation with Pastor Rick Lamb from Northside Baptist Church in Corsicana,Texas. In this conversation Pastor Rick...
Sibling Rivalry In Your Blended Family
It’s hard enough for a child to compete with siblings in a nuclear family. When it’s step-siblings that they’re not entirely comfortab...
The Review with Joy & Co.
Book review with Joy and Company, founders of the Christian Literary Awards recorded on the Fishbowl network August 5th, 201...
Tips for Navigating Your Summer
If your family is like ours was when our kids were younger, you have a crazy summer calendar. That calendar is full of kids ...
Kirk McGregor Family Spotlight
A writer for Family Life recently said, “Disappointed love can occur at any point in your marriage, even after tim...
Kirk McGregor Family Spotlight
April 27, 2016 We first notice it in middle and high scho...
Are You In or Out?
We first notice it in middle and high school: that feeling of exclusivity in social groups that seems nearly impossible to penetrate. Do the c...